Dye, A. *, P. Gao*, J. B. Kim, T. Lei, K. L. Riley, and L. Yocom. 2023. High-resolution Wildfire Simulations Reveal Complexity of Climate Change Impacts on Projected Burn Probability for Southern California. Fire Ecology, 19(1): 1-19. * Dual First Authors [Article Link]
Zhong, C., H. J. Guo, I. Swan, P. Gao, Q. X. Yao, and H. Li. 2023. Evaluating trends, profits, and risks of global cities in recent urban expansion for advancing sustainable development. Habitat International. 138: 102869. [Article Link]
Hutsler, T, N. Pricope, P. Gao, M. Rother. 2023. Detecting Woody Plants in Southern Arizona using Data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). Remote Sensing, 15(1): 98. [Article Link]
Hutchens, L., J. A. Kupfer, and P. Gao. 2023. Spatial Patterns of Conservation Benefits, Priorities, and Barriers in the Congaree Biosphere Region. Southeastern Geographer, 63(1): 98-118. [Article Link]
Yao, Q., H. Li, P. Gao, H. Guo, and C. Zhong. 2022. Mapping Irregular Local Climate Zones from Sentinel-2 Images Using Deep Learning with Sequential Virtual Scenes. Remote Sensing, 14 (21): 5564.​ [Article Link]
Guo, H., B. Yi, Q. Yao, P. Gao, H. Li, J. Sun, and C. Zhong. 2022. Identification of Geological Hazards in Mountainous Area with the Combination of the SBAS-Insar and Yolo Model. Sensors. 22 (16): 6235. [Article Link]
Yao, R.J., J.S. Yang, X.P. Wang, Y. Zhao, H.Q. Li, P. Gao, W.P. Xie and X. Zhang. 2022. Improving Soil Salinity Simulation by Assimilating Electromagnetic Induction Data into HYDRUS Model Using Ensemble Kalman Filter. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 39(2): 81-96. [Article Link]
Gao, P., A.J. Terando, J.A. Kupfer, J.M. Varner, M.C. Stambaugh, and J.K. Hiers. 2021. Robust Projections of Future Fire Probability for the Conterminous United States. Science of The Total Environment, 789: 147872. [Arcticle Link]
Liu, Y., H. Li, P. Gao, and C. Zhong. 2021. Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Green Space and Its Impacts on Thermal Environment in Shenzhen City from 1978 to 2018 with Remote Sensing Data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 87(2): 81-89. [Arcticle Link]
Zhong, C., C. Li, P. Gao, and H. Li. 2021. Discovering Vegetation Recovery and Landslide Activities in the Wenchuan Earthquake Area with Landsat Imagery. Sensors, 21(15): 5243. [Arcticle Link]
Li, C., B. Yi, P. Gao, H. Li, J. Sun, X. Chen, and C. Zhong. 2021. Valuable clues for DCNN-based landslide detection from a comparative assessment in the Wenchuan earthquake area. Sensors, 21(15): 5191. [Arcticle Link]
Lu, J., G. J. Carbone, X. Huang, K. Lackstron, and P. Gao. 2020. Mapping the Sensitivity of Agriculture to Drought and Estimating the Effect of Irrigation in the United States, 1950–2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 292–293: 108124. [Arcticle Link]
Kupfer, J. A., A. Terando, P. Gao, C. Teske, and J. K. Hiers. 2020. Climate Change Projected to Reduce Prescribed Burn Opportunities in the Southeastern US. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 764-778. [Arcticle Link]
Liu, Y., H. Li, P. Gao, and C. Zhong. 2020. Monitoring the Detailed Dynamics of Regional Thermal Environment in a Developing Urban Agglomeration. Sensors, 20 (4): 197. [Arcticle Link]
Zhong, C., Chen, C., Y. Liu, P. Gao, and H. Li. 2019. A Specific Study on the Impacts of PM2.5 on Urban Heat Islands with Detailed In Situ Data and Satellite Images. Sustainability, 11(24), 7075. [Arcticle Link]
Cheng, Z., Y. Liu, P. Gao, W. Chen, H. Li, Y. Hou, T. Nuremangulic, and H. Ma. 2019. Landslide Mapping with Remote Sensing: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (4): 1555 - 1581. [Arcticle Link]
Xiao, X., J. Lu, P. Gao, G. Riungu, and M. Wang. 2019. Travel Safety on Acadia National Park Roadways. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 37 (4). [Arcticle Link]
Lu, J., G. J. Carbone, and P. Gao. 2019. Mapping the agricultural drought based on the long-term AVHRR NDVI and North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) in the United States, 1981–2013, Applied Geography, 104 (2): 10-20. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., and J. A. Kupfer. 2018. Capitalizing on a Wealth of Spatial Information: Improving Biogeographic Regionalization Through the Use of Spatial Clustering, Applied Geography, 99: 98 - 108. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., G. J. Carbone, J. Lu, and D. Guo. 2018. An Area-based Approach for Estimating Extreme Precipitation Probability, Geographical Analysis, 50 (3): 314 - 333. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., G. J. Carbone, and J. Lu. 2018. Flood Simulation in South Carolina Watersheds Using Different Precipitation Inputs, Advances in Meteorology, 2018. [Arcticle Link]
Guo, D., H. Jin, P. Gao and X. Zhu. 2018. Detecting Spatial Community Structure in Movements, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32: 7. [Arcticle Link]
Meitzen, K. M., Kupfer, J. A., and P. Gao. 2018. Modeling Hydrologic Connectivity and Virtual Fish Movement across a Large Southeastern Floodplain, USA, Aquatic Science, 80: 5. [Arcticle Link]
Lu, J., G. J. Carbone, and P. Gao. 2017. Detrending Crop Yield Data for Spatial Visualization of Drought Impacts in the United States, 1895–2014, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 237-238: 196-208. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., J. A. Kupfer, X. Zhu, and D. Guo. 2016. Quantifying Animal Trajectories Using Spatial Aggregation and Sequence Analysis – A Case Study of Differentiating Trajectories of Multiple Species, Geographical Analysis, 48:275-291. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., G. J. Carbone, and D. Guo. 2016. Assessment of NARCCAP Model in Simulating Rainfall Extremes Using a Spatially Constrained Regionalization Method, International Journal of Climatology, 36: 2368-2378. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, D. H. Wu, W. P. Xie, P. Gao, and W. H. Jin. 2016. Digital Mapping of Soil Salinity and Crop Yield Across a Coastal Agricultural Landscape Using Repeated Electromagnetic Induction (EMI), PLoS ONE, 11(5): e0153377. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, D. H. Wu, W. P. Xie, P. Gao, and X. P. Wang. 2016. Geostatistical Monitoring of Soil Salinity for Precision Management Using Proximally Sensed Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) Method, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 1362. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, D. H. Wu, W. P. Xie, P. Gao, and X. P. Wang. 2016. Characterizing Spatial–Temporal Changes of Soil and Crop Parameters for Precision Management in a Coastal Rainfed Agroecosystem. Soil Fertility & Crop Nutrition, 108 (6): 2462 - 2477. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., and J. A. Kupfer. 2015. Uncovering Food Web Structure Using a Novel Trophic Similarity Measure, Ecological Informatics, 30: 110-118. [Arcticle Link]
Kupfer, J. A., K. M. Meitzen, and P. Gao. 2015. Flooding and Surface Connectivity of Taxodium-Nyssa Swamps in a Southern Floodplain Forest System, River Research and Applications, 31(10): 1299-1310. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R.J., J.S. Yang, D.H. Wu, F.R. Li, P. Gao and X.P. Wang. 2015. Evaluation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Coastal Salt-affected Mud Farmland. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(4): 902-916. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, P. Gao, X. P. Wang, L. Z. Hong, and M. W. Wang. 2014. Determination of Site-Specific Management Zones Using Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Crop Yields in Coastal Reclaimed Farmland, Geoderma, 232: 381-393. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, P. Gao, J. B. Zhang, W. H. Jin, and S. P. Yu. 2014. Soil-Quality-Index Model for Assessing the Impact of Groundwater on Soil in an Intensively Farmed Coastal Area of E China, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(3): 330-342. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, P. Gao, H. B. Shao, G. M. Liu, and S. P. Yu. 2014. Comparison of Statistical Prediction Methods for Characterizing the Spatial Variability of Apparent Electrical Conductivity in Coastal Salt-Affected Farmland, Environmental Earth Science, 71 (1): 233 - 243. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., J. A. Kupfer, D. Guo, and T. L. Lei. 2013. Identifying Functionally-Connected Habitat Compartments with a Novel Regionalization Technique, Landscape Ecology, 28 (10): 1949 - 1959. [Arcticle Link]
Gao, P., D. Guo, K. Liao, J. J. Webb, and S. L. Cutter. 2013. Early Detection of Terrorism Outbreaks Using Prospective Space-Time Scan Statistics, Professional Geographer, 65 (4) 676 - 691. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, P. Gao, W. H. Jin, and S. P. Yu. 2013. Determining Minimum Data Set for Soil Quality Assessment of Typical Salt-Affected Farmland in the Coastal Reclamation Area, Soil & Tillage Research, 128: 137-148. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, P. Gao, H. B. Shao, X. B. Chen, and S. P. Yu. 2013. Multivariate Simulation and Assessment of Three Dimensional Spatial Patterns of Coastal Soil Salinity Using Ancillary Variables. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(1): 39 - 52. [Arcticle Link]
Yao, R. J., J. S. Yang, J. B. Zhang, P. Gao, S, P. Yu and X. P. Wang. 2013. Short-Term Effect of Cultivation and Crop Rotation Systems on Soil Quality Indicators in a Coastal Newly-Reclaimed Farming Area, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13 (8): 1335 - 1350. [Arcticle Link]
Kupfer, J. A., P. Gao, and D. Guo. 2012. Regionalization of Forest Pattern Metrics for The Continental United States Using Contiguity Constrained Clustering and Partitioning, Ecological Informatics, 9: 11-18. [Arcticle Link]
Guo, D., X. Zhu, H. Jin, P. Gao, and C. Andris. 2012. Discovering Spatial Patterns in Origin-Destination Mobility Data, Transactions in GIS, 16 (3): 411-429. [Arcticle Link]
Kupfer, J. A. and P. Gao. 2011. Spatial Patterns of Ecological Integrity in South Carolina Watersheds, Southeastern Geographer, 51: 394-410. [Arcticle Link]